Review Vacancy

Date Posted: 01/17/25
Applications Due: 12/31/25
Vacancy ID: 178612

Position Information


AgencyHomeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of

TitleDisaster Preparedness Assistant (NY HELPS)

Occupational CategoryOther Professional Careers

Salary Grade12

Bargaining UnitOSU - Operational Services Unit (CSEA)

Salary RangeFrom $48956 to $59757 Annually

Employment Type Full-Time

Appointment Type Permanent

Jurisdictional Class Competitive Class

Travel Percentage 10%


Workweek Variable

Hours Per Week 37.5


From 12 AM

To 12 AM

Flextime allowed? No

Mandatory overtime? No

Compressed workweek allowed? No

Telecommuting allowed? No


County Albany

Street Address 1220 Washington Ave. Bldg 22

City Albany


Zip Code12226

Job Specifics

Duties Description The Disaster Preparedness Assistant in the New York State Watch Center (SWC) monitors, analyzes, prioritizes, and reports critical information obtained from a wide variety of sources to federal, state, and local government officials, emergency responders, agency partners and the public on a 24/7 basis with the operations of the New York SWC and State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC). Duties may include, but not be limited to the following:

• Prepare daily operational briefings to include information gathered from federal, state and county sources, regional activities, noteworthy news, weather, transportation, utilities, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping.
• Monitor multiple sources of information for situational awareness of incidents that may adversely impact areas of New York State, require a multi-agency response, and/or require an Office of Emergency Management (OEM) response. Communicate with state, federal, and local officials, agencies, and organizations to confirm the nature, scope, and impact of incidents.
• Serve as the OEM first point of contact for all state agencies in regard to any Local/County/State/National and International Incidents, Emergencies, or Disasters.
• Receive, disseminate, and log emergency technical information from multiple voice/data landline, microwave, fiber optic cable, radio, and satellite networks.
• Expedite and disseminate emergency information according to established policies and protocols.
• Provide routine equipment and software support to field deployed staff.
• Maintain contact info, operational databases, and complex communication systems.
• Assess and evaluate information using educational and background ability to reason clearly and make sound judgments.
• Inform appropriate counties of weather conditions via the National Warning System (NAWAS).
• Notify partners to the activation of the SEOC when necessary and alert the general public of emergency situations in their localities.
• Act as the SEOC Message Center during activations.
• Perform other duties and special projects as required.
• Travel may be required (approximately 10%), including during evening and weekends, depending on mission and assignment.
• Possession and maintenance of a valid Driver’s License issued by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicle is required, or otherwise demonstrate the capacity to meet the transportation needs of the job.

This is a 365-day, 24/7 operation. Shifts will be assigned as follows and will also include weekends:
• Day Shift from 6:00am to 2:00pm
• Evening Shift from 2:00pm to 10:00pm
• Night Shift from 10:00pm to 6:00am

Minimum Qualifications This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS).***

To be considered for appointment through NY HELPS, or 55b/c, candidates must meet the open-competitive minimum qualifications for this position. The qualifications are:

1.two years of emergency management experience as listed below;*
2. a specialized associate's degree as listed below** AND one year of emergency management experience as listed below;*
3. a specialized bachelor's degree or higher as listed below;**

**Specialized Degree Areas: Atmospheric Science, Business Continuity, Business Organizational Security Management, Criminal Intelligence Analysis, Criminal Investigations, Criminal Justice, Crisis, Critical Infrastructure, Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Disaster or Emergency Management, Disaster Resilience, Disaster Science, Emergency Preparedness, Emergency or Public Safety Services, Emergency and/or Risk Management, Fire and Emergency Services, Geography, Homeland Security, Informatics, Meteorology, National Security, Political Science, Public Administration, Security Studies, System Safety and Security, or Urban or Regional Planning.

*Qualifying experience: qualifying emergency management experience must include one or more of the following areas:
• Coordination and implementation of emergency management and disaster preparedness programs.
• Preparation or modification of disaster plans.
• Preparation, modification, presentation of disaster educational training and/or exercises.
• Gather and analyze information to produce briefings or reports or to make timely and effective incident response decisions.
• Represent an agency or organization in an Emergency Operations Center or leadership position on the Incident Command System.
• Manage or supervise logistics operations during a major emergency or disaster by overseeing the distribution or staging of equipment and supplies.

Current New York State employee with one year or more of permanent, contingent-permanent, or 55b/c service as a Communications Technician 1 and eligible for transfer under Section 70.1 of the Civil Service Law.

NOTE: This vacancy posting is for the purposes of notifying individuals about transfer opportunities. Employees on the Civil Service eligible list will be considered and should not respond to this posting. If you are on the eligible list and not reachable, you may be eligible for transfer. You are encouraged to access GOT-IT on the Career Mobility website ( to determine transfer eligibility.

Additional Comments Candidates who are current 55b/c eligible and meet the minimum qualifications are encouraged to apply. If interested in this position and applying using your 55b/c status, please provide us a couple of your current 55b/c eligibility letter.

***This title is part of the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Statewide Program (NY HELPS). For the duration of the NY HELPS Program, this title may be filled via a non-competitive appointment, which means no examination is required but all candidates must meet the minimum qualifications of the title for which they apply. At a future date, it is expected employees hired under NY HELPS will have their non-competitive employment status converted to competitive status, without having to compete in an examination. Employees will then be afforded with all of the same rights and privileges of competitive class employees of New York State. While serving permanently in an NY HELPS title, employees may take part in any promotion examination for which they are qualified.

NOTE: Support of operations during times of emergency and disaster from State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), state field offices and/or local deployments may be required, which would result in a change and/or increase in working hours, locations and/or duties.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

How to Apply

Name Human Resources/TR

Telephone 518-486-5700

Fax 518-485-8432

Email Address


Street NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services HRM

1220 Washington Ave., Bldg 7A, 5th Floor

City Albany

State NY

Zip Code 12226


Notes on ApplyingPlease submit a resume and cover letter detailing how you meet the minimum qualifications. Indicate the Position Title & Vacancy ID 178612 in the subject line of your application email to