Review Vacancy

Date Posted: 03/11/25
Applications Due: 03/20/25
Vacancy ID: 182574

Position Information


AgencyCorrections and Community Supervision, Department of

TitleAdministrative Assistant 2

Occupational CategoryClerical, Secretarial, Office Aide

Salary Grade15

Bargaining UnitM/C - Managerial/Confidential (Unrepresented)

Salary RangeFrom $58066 to $72519 Annually

Employment Type Full-Time

Appointment Type Contingent Permanent

Jurisdictional Class Competitive Class

Travel Percentage 0%


Workweek Mon-Fri

"Other" Explanation Specific hours of the position will be discussed at the time of interview.

Hours Per Week 37.5


From 8 AM

To 4 PM

Flextime allowed? No

Mandatory overtime? No

Compressed workweek allowed? No

Telecommuting allowed? No


County Albany

Street Address 1220 Washington Avenue - Building 4

City Albany


Zip Code12226

Job Specifics

Duties Description To be discussed in detail at time of interview.

Minimum Qualifications Eligible for reassignment, transfer, or reachable for appointment from the appropriate eligible list.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

How to Apply

Name Michael Spring

Telephone (518) 485-0862

Fax (518) 453-8463

Email Address


Street 1220 Washington Avenue - Building 4

City Albany

State NY

Zip Code 12226


Notes on ApplyingIf interested in this position, please send resume to the email address of the contact listed noting the vacancy number and position title.