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Today's Postings
Yesterday's Postings

Item # Title Grade Posted Deadline Agency County
180529 Treatment Team Leader Mental Health, Washington Heights Psychiatric Unit, Audobon Clinic, P25480 661 02/10/25 03/28/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
180550 Assistant Director of Nursing 1 Psychiatric, Manhattan Psychiatric Center, Outpatient P25483 661 02/10/25 03/17/25 Mental Health, Office of New York
180524 Plant Utilities Assistant (NY HELPS), Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, P25479 09 02/10/25 04/07/25 Mental Health, Office of Kings
180556 Licensed Master Social Worker (NY HELPS), Elmira Psychiatric Center, Wellsville, P25475 20 02/10/25 04/30/25 Mental Health, Office of Allegany
180514 Plant Utilities Assistant 09 02/10/25 08/21/25 People With Developmental Disabilities, Office for Franklin
180496 Senior Field Representative - LaGuardia Community College  NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Queens
180497 Senior Field Representative - LaGuardia Community College  NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Queens
180492 Senior Field Representative - Lehman College NS 02/10/25 03/31/25 DASNY - Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Bronx
180567 Business Services Center Representative 1 - VID 180567 11 02/10/25 05/07/25 General Services, Office of Albany
180576 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil/Transportation) NY HELPS (Region 4) NS 02/10/25 08/20/25 Transportation, Department of Monroe
180508 Engineer Trainee/Assistant Engineer (Civil Transportation) - NY HELPS - (Region 8) 20 02/10/25 05/12/25 Transportation, Department of Dutchess