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Today's Postings
Yesterday's Postings

Item # Title Grade Posted Deadline Agency County
155689 Peer Specialist, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P24705 09 04/08/24 05/03/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
154882 Food Service Worker 1, Rochester Psychiatric Center, Food Service, P24658 05 03/28/24 04/26/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
154885 Food Service Worker 2, Rochester Psychiatric Center, Food Service, P24659 09 03/28/24 04/26/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
154647 Dietitian 2, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P24042 18 03/26/24 05/31/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
154464 Rehabilitation Counselor 1, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P24627 17 03/22/24 05/31/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
154503 Registered Nurse Supervisor 1 Psychiatric, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P24628 22 03/22/24 04/30/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
152535 Addictions Counselor 2, Rochester Psychiatric Center, (NYHELPS), P24542 18 02/29/24 04/30/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe
149009 Senior Physical Therapist, Rochester Psychiatric Center, P24084 18 01/22/24 04/26/24 Mental Health, Office of Monroe